Page 105 - 597 Business Ideas You can Start from Home - doing what you LOVE! (Beginner Internet Marketing Series)
P. 105

96 Your Idea, I nc.

you have to go to a professional kitchen. You would also need to
look into requirements with the FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Admin­

istration), available at Even cosmetics have to check in

with the FDA for labeling and ingredient requirements .

                                     Find the Rules

    The most comprehensive site for these rules and regulations is

on the Federal Trade Commissions website: Within

that website, on their "Quick Finder" link, click "Rules ." Next, on
the left margin, click on "FTC Rules" and read the Electronic Code
of Federal Regulations. This document offers a long list of many dif­
ferent industries and their regulations. Check out trade association
websites for an insider's look at what you need.

    Besides the FTC, here are a few more helpful governmental orga­
nizations to know about:

 • U.S. Small Business Administration ( Assists and

     protects the interests of small businesses.

 • Better Business Bureau ( A member organization

     that hopes to advance marketplace trust by offering reports and
     information to consumers about businesses.

 • U.S. Food and Drug Administration ( Responsible

     for the safety regulations of many items including but not lim­
     ited to food and drugs.

 • U.S. Consumer Products Safety Commission (www.

     Protects the consumer from unreasonable risks from products
    within their jurisdiction.

                                    Take It Seriously

    This is not an area where you can cut corners. Learn what govern­
ment regulations and requirements affect your product and its indus­
try, and meet all criteria in your prototype. If some rules don't need to
be implemented early on, plan for them later so you're prepared.
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