Page 107 - 597 Business Ideas You can Start from Home - doing what you LOVE! (Beginner Internet Marketing Series)
P. 107

98 Your Idea, I nc.

                                         Pack aging

Once you have the product manufactured, you'll likely need to

pack it in something to sell it. Not all products will require complete

packaging, however. For example, if you have a new line ofjewelry,
the pieces might be shown on a display rack and sold to customers
in gift boxes. Items such as backpacks or clothing will not be totally
enclosed in packaging, but you will have some sort of company
label or hang tag.

    There are a few important considerations for your product's

 • Know your product's demographic. Your packaging should
    appeal to that segment of the marketplace.

 • Express your product's message. (You will discuss this with your
    graphic artist when she helps create your logo and branding.
    More to come on this in Step 8.)

 • Only use what you need. People are also concerned with being
    "green" and helping the environment; nobody wants to see
    excessive packaging that is just going to be thrown away.

 • Think about how your product will be displayed in stores.

                             Package Considerations

    Ask yourself the following questions to get an idea of the pack­
aging you need.

       1 . Will your product be displayed in bins or standing upright
           on shelves?

      2 . Might the product be on hooks and therefore need a hang
           tab? (Hang tabs can be purchased separately for versatility
           of packaging or built into the actual packaging.)

       3. Will the product need to show through the packaging so
           customers can see what's inside?

       4. Does the packaging need to be made with eco-friendly
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