Page 131 - 597 Business Ideas You can Start from Home - doing what you LOVE! (Beginner Internet Marketing Series)
P. 131

Step 6. Create Your Executive Office  1 23

     For business cards, simply use your name, without a title. Since
you would need to list many positions, it is better to not list any.
I liked the anonymity that you have without a title, especially when
I was dealing with a buyer or a manufacturer. They didn't need to
know that I had the final say on things as an owner would. When
I needed to negotiate something, I could say, "I need to ask my pro­
duction manager" or "our sales manager." They don't need to know
that you are the CEO, because if you are the CEO of a decent-sized
business, you will not be the one making sales calls or calling as
accounts payable to collect a late payment from a customer.

     Your graphic artist can design the layout and the artwork for
the business card and incorporate the same colors and fonts on
your letterhead and mailing envelopes. Keep the look of your brand
consistent throughout all marketing materials (more on this in
Step 7).

     Your graphic artist can usually recommend a paper stock and
e-mail the files directly to a printer. It costs approximately $200 to
$300 for 1 ,000 copies of nice quality letterhead. The best pricing on
letterhead is usually at 1,000 sheets because it costs only a bit more
than if you buy 500. This will give you incentive to buy the 1 ,000
sheets and send out lots of letters and press kits! Use it up.

In conversations with colleagues and clients, use the word
Mour" instead of "my," as in "I will check with our shipping
malnaCler" or "Our company policy is. . . ." It makes it sound
like there is someone in the "office" besides just you.


    You may also want to have your graphic designer configure some
stickers as well. Stickers are handy for the front of press kits (dis­
cussed in Step 7) and for the outside of envelopes or boxes. If you
don't need huge quantities, the designer can usually just lay out the
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