Page 136 - 597 Business Ideas You can Start from Home - doing what you LOVE! (Beginner Internet Marketing Series)
P. 136

1 28 Your Idea, I nc.

and even if your sales are small or nonexistent, get a foot in the door
of your new industry. Take small steps like these:

 • Find the most popular trade magazines and newsletters and

    subscribe to them. Those articles will help you learn the lingo
    you may need for marketing materials. See who the "big names"
    are and what they bring to the industry.
 • Research the big companies. Look into which trade shows they
    attend or sponsor. This will indicate the show's level of impor­
    tance within the industry. There is more information about trade
    shows in Step lO, but they should be on your marketing radar.

 • Make a list of stores, catalogs, and online retailers you want

    to contact. Get on their mailing and/or e-mail lists so that you
    are up-to-date with their industry news. We'll talk more about
    contacting them in Step 9.
 • Be aware of trends. Look for new product lines, what items are
    on the clearance racks, and where companies are spending their
    advertising dollars. Focus your marketing campaign on your
    product's attributes and why a consumer should buy your product
    over another. You need a good handle on what else is out there.
 • Determine where your product fits in. Get perspective so you
    can position your product most effectively.

    It can't hurt to start becoming a part of the industry-your par­
ticipation will only help you as you market your new product. You
will be able to quote the industry's research and speak intelligently
to colleagues or the media, the buyers will appreciate your knowl­
edge, and you won't feel like an outsider.

                                  " M ass" M arketing

If you have a product that can appeal to "the masses," you're saying
that nearly every man, woman, and child can use and/or purchase
it. For example, a product like Kleenex has mass appeal. When you
have a runny nose, it doesn't matter if you're old or young, man or
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