Page 200 - 597 Business Ideas You can Start from Home - doing what you LOVE! (Beginner Internet Marketing Series)
P. 200

prep for the trade show                                                                  iII

  Experience is a hard teacher because she gives the test first,                         I
  the lesson afterward.
                                                                      -VERNON LAW

As we discussed in the previous chapter, approaching buyers from
accounts large and small is one way to begin selling. Another is to
announce your product at a major industry trade show. The benefit
of this approach is that you have a focused, captive audience and
can create a lot of buzz in a short time. With thousands of industry­
specific folks in attendance, a trade show can be the perfect place to
debut your product. You will get instant feedback on your product
from people who are "in the know." Your first trade show is your
most important, so be prepared. It is the culmination of all of your
hard work.

                           Choosing the Right Show

When your budget is limited, picking the right show for your debut
could mean the difference between quick success and being stuck
in neutral. Although there is no way to know for certain how any
given show will turn out, there are many ways to make an educated

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