Page 231 - 597 Business Ideas You can Start from Home - doing what you LOVE! (Beginner Internet Marketing Series)
P. 231


      maintain a l ife balance
             and look ahead

     In the midst oj movement and chaos, keep stillness within you.
                                                                                     -DEEPAK CHOPRA

Now that you're well on your way to bringing your idea to life, keep
in mind that life is all about balance. While launching your product
requires many sacrifices, it's the most organized and responsible
among us who can work and still maintain relationships and a mea­
sure of good health. Balancing all of your commitments gracefully
and responsibly while starting a new business takes a lot of effort.
Life is a juggling act at "regular" times, let alone when you're try­
ing to start a business. Time management and stress relief are two
important ways to keep balanced.

    With a lot on your plate, you may find yourself burning the
candle at both ends, which eventually leads to burnout and sleep
deprivation. Having it all without becoming overwhelmed and over­
committed is the name of the game. It is a trial-and-error process
as you welcome this new venture into your life. Some days will be
completely smooth, perfect, and very productive, and other days .
. . well, they won't be so great. If you're calm and organized, you'll
be better equipped to monitor the big picture of your product line
and consider ways it can grow in upcoming years. The following
strategies may help you.

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