Page 236 - 597 Business Ideas You can Start from Home - doing what you LOVE! (Beginner Internet Marketing Series)
P. 236
230 Your Idea, Inc.
E-mail and/or text message people when possible to save time on
phone calls with people who like to chat when you may not neces
sarily have time. I have arranged carpools, play dates, and lunch
dates by e-mail or texting in a fraction of the time it would have
taken by phone . I don't mean to sound antisocial, but your time is
limited as you launch a new business, so look at it as being more
efficient, not less social. Your friends should understand.
If they can do it,
So &vt !l0U(
Actor/comedian J i m Carrey te l l s a story of acti ng "as if" he was
successful when he was a stru ggling com ic without much money.
I n 1 987, he wrote himself a $10 m i l l i o n check from his own check
ing acco unt (wh ich was nearly em pty). He postdated it for 1 995,
and eagerly anticipated the day he co u l d cash it. Sure enough,
by the time 1 995 came around, he was earn i n g $20 m i l l ion per
fi l m . Try his tactic: Postdate a check to yourself with an amount
that wo u l d th rill you in five years. Keep the check i n p l a i n sight
as you work hard .
Learn to Say "No"
Volunteer for things that are meaningful to you, but don't feel you
have to say "yes" to everyone who comes to you asking for favors.
Your time is valuable and you need to be protective of it. If you are
too busy, let the requester know that you have too many obligations
at the moment, but would be happy to volunteer your time later (if
possible, give a specific time-next month, in July, after Thanksgiv
ing, etc.). It's liberating to say "no for now." People understand and
appreciate your honesty. Besides, it's better to wait than take on a
cause and not give it the attention it deserves.