Page 241 - 597 Business Ideas You can Start from Home - doing what you LOVE! (Beginner Internet Marketing Series)
P. 241

Step 1 2. Maintain a Life B a lance and Look Ahead  235

to grow. By then, the process of adding to your line will seem easy
because you know how to do it and you know that you can do
it. You have built relationships with your graphic designer, your
manufacturing and packaging sources, and the buyers. Everything
is in place for future growth.

    There are many ways to get product expansion ideas, such as:

       1. Creative thinking: Ideas may just come to you as you use
           and sell your own product in situations that are different
           than you originally imagined. Keep an open mind.

      2. Trade-show feedback: People who visit your booth at

           trade shows may make valuable suggestions. People love
           to express ideas of how to improve your product and what
           should come next. The suggestions are frequently good, as
           these people like the product and want to see even more
           from you.

      3. Buyers: As you present your idea to retail buyers, they will

           usually give you constructive feedback. They might sug­
           gest that you offer more varieties of your product, or more
           complementary items to offer a more complete line.
       4. Your customers: Post a link to your e-mail address on your
           website so customers or visitors can leave suggestions or
           comments. These can be very insightful.
       5. Spot trends: Be keenly aware of trends in the news, both
           in your industry and in the marketplace as a whole . Staying
           tuned into current events could lead to a new product idea
           or product extension and can help you locate an untapped
           market niche . For example, food allergies have become very
           common. Companies saw a recent surge in peanut allergies
           in children, and targeted this demographic by making soy
           butter and almond butter. Be timely. What about a green
           or organic version of your product? Can you incorporate
           solutions to these new current issues by making some
           changes to your product? With your finger on the pulse
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