Page 245 - 597 Business Ideas You can Start from Home - doing what you LOVE! (Beginner Internet Marketing Series)
P. 245

240 Your Idea, Inc.

Ideas                                          niche marketing, 129-34
    bringing to life, 19-32                    viral marketing, 1 53
    critiquing, 24-25                          website for, 140-48
    expression of, 60-61                       by word-of-mouth, 154-55
    types of, 19                           Media kit, 159-60
                                           Mentor, 16
Incentives, 180-81                         Merchant accounts, 112-13
Industry lingo, 167-7 1                    Mindset, 35
Instincts, trusting, 31-32                 Moisture Gloves, ix, 21, 74, 92 , 186, 199,
Intellectual property, 5 1-55, 62-63           218, 233
Interns, 48                                Moisture Jamzz, Inc., ix, 2 1 , 74, 134, 163,
Inventory management, 93-95                     186, 189, 192, 233
Investors, 46-48                           Mom-and-pop stores, 17 1-72
IOUs, 42-43                                Monaghan, James, 20
Isdell, Neville, 56                        Monaghan, Tom, 20
                                           Motivation, 228
Jobs, Steve, xi
Jong, Erica, 33                            Naming products, 30-31
                                           Negative feedback, 10-12
Lauder, Estee, 129, 177                    Network list, 14-15
Launching product, 1-6, 34, 153-54,        Newsletters, 128
                                           Niche marketing, 129-34
     167-68, 178, 224. See also Marketing  Nondisclosure agreements, 70-71
Law, Vernon, 193                           Nonprofit corporation, 67
Lead time, 168
Lee, Young, 154                            Obstacles, overcoming, 5, 29, 92
Legal issues, 5 1-7 1                      Occupational Safety and Health
Liability insurance, 5 1-52
Life balance, 225-36                           Administration (OSHA), 79-80
Limited liability company, 64, 66-67       Office, 107-8
Limited partnership, 66                    Office hours, 226, 228
Living expenses, 40-41                     Omidyar, Pierre, 122
Loans, 42-43                               Online-only stores, 179-80
Logos, 99-103                              Online retailers, 128
Lombardi, Vince, 107                       Orders, filling, 185, 189-90
Lowry, Adam, 3
                                           Packaging ideas, 97-99
Magazine editors, 160-61                   Packard, David, 127
Mailbox, renting, 110-12                   Packing slip, 168
Mailers, 139-40                            Partnership, 65-67, 70
Manufacturers, finding, 76, 78-80          Partnership survey, 68-69
Manufacturing. See also Products           Patents, 25-26, 56-59
                                           Payment methods, 1 1 2, 143-48
     associations for, 75-78               Payment processing, 1 14
     components of, 74                     Permits, 109-10
     contact list for, 81                  Perseverance, 10
     goals of, 73-74                       Persistence, 177, 182
     inquiries on, 80, 82                  Philanthropy, 161-62
     negotiations on, 88-90                Photography, 136-37
     pricing, 87, 89-92                    Positive attitude, 4-6, 214-15,
     resources for, 82-84
     samples for, 75-76                         231
Marketing                                  Postcards, 139-40
     advanced marketing, 161-63            Press kit, 159-60
     basics of, 1 27-48                    Press releases, 157-58
     and branding, 137-38                  Pricing, 87, 89-92
     making most of, 149-65                Private labeling, 162-65
     mass marketing, 128-29                Product line expansion, 233-36
     materials for, 136-40
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