Page 246 - 597 Business Ideas You can Start from Home - doing what you LOVE! (Beginner Internet Marketing Series)
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index  241

Products. See also Manufacturing;        Signage, 206-7
    Marketing                            Small Business Administration (SBA), 45
    differences in, 29                   Sole proprietorship, 64-65
    launching, 1-6, 34, 153-54, 167-68,  Standing out, 29-30
         178, 224                        Start-up capital, 34
    materials for, 85-87                 Stationery, 122-23
    naming, 30-31                        Stephens, Robert, 158
    new products, 20-24                  Stock Keeping Unit (SKU), 170
    packaging, 97-99                     Storage, 95
    pricing, 87, 89-92                   Success, defining, 8-9
    test products, 172
    visualizing, 22-23                   Terms, 170
                                         Test products, 172
Progress, charting, 124-25               Thomas Register, 78
Prototypes, 87-89                        Thurn, Peter, 162
Publicist, using, 155-57                 Time, finding, 12
Purchase Order (PO), 168-69              Time, saving, 228, 230
                                         Trade associations, 75-78
Quality assurance, 92-93                 Trade magazines, 128
Quimby, Roxanne, 30                      Trademarks, 31, 56, 59-63
                                         Trade shows
Recessions, 3
Rechelbacher, Horst, 129                     attire for, 2 13-14
Red tape, 173-74                             booths for, 200-2 1 1
Regulations, 95-96                           choosing, 193-96
Rejection, handling, 175-76                  do's and don't of, 213
Resale certificate, 109-10                   fees for, 196-97
Research                                     finding, 199
                                              payment at, 203
    of big companies, 128, 134               predators at, 220-21
    of competition, 25-29                    preparation for, 193-2 1 1
    of trade shows, 194-98                   registration for, 199-200
Resources, using, 33-49                      researching, 194-98
Robbins, Tony, 231                           results of, 222-23
Rosenfield, Rick, 53                         samples for, 217-20
Routing guides, 187                           tips for, 2 15-17
Ryan, Eric, 3                            Trends, 128
                                         Twain, Mark, 1
Sales, closing, 180-82
Sales representatives, 169, 223-24       Uniqueness, 29-30
Samples, 75-76, 217-18                   Universal Product Code (UPC), 104-5,
Saving time, 228, 230
Saying "no," 230                              170
Scheduling work, 226, 228
Schmelzer, Sheri, 27                     Vendor, 170-71
Schultz, Howard, 154, 162                Viral marketing, 1 53
Scudamore, Brian, 202                    Visualization, 7, 10, 22-23, 229
Search Engine Optimization (SEO), 150
Seller permit, 109-10                    Website
Service Corps of Retired Executives          creating, 140-43, 146-48
                                             payment methods for, 143-48
    (SCORE), 46                              setting up, 120-21
Shavitz, Burt, 30
Shipping                                 Winfrey, Oprah, 13
                                         Work, scheduling, 226, 228
    carrier for, 1 14-16                 Working conditions, 79-80
    methods of, 169-70                   Wright, Frank Lloyd, xi
    special situations, 187-88
    supplies for, 1 16-17                Ziglar, Zig, 213
Shopping channels, 178-79
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