Page 244 - 597 Business Ideas You can Start from Home - doing what you LOVE! (Beginner Internet Marketing Series)
P. 244


Advanced marketing, 161-63               Credit cards, accepting, 1 12
"American Dream," 6-7                    Credit cards, using, 38-39
Andrus, Mark, 44                         Customer service, 188-90
Andrus, Stacy, 44
Angel investors, 46-48                   Darrow, Clarence, 51
Ash, Mary Kay, xi
                                         Deal, closing, 180-82
Balancing work, 225-36                   Debt and credit, 34-49
Bank loans, 44-45                        Deeds, David, 43
Bean, leon leonwood (L. L.), 74          Dell, Michael, xi
Better Business Bureau (BBB), 63
Blogs , 147, 150-53                      Deluca, Fred, 35
Booth                                    Discounts, 217-18
                                         Disney, Walt, 19
    building, 204-6                      Distribution centers, 188
    choosing, 200-202                    Doing Business As (DBA), 109
    setting up, 208-11                   "Doors," 167-68
    transporting, 208-10                 Doubts, banishing, 7
Bootstrapping, 33-49
Boyle, Gert, 90                          E-commerce, 143-48
Branding, 104, 137-38                    Economic challenges, 1-3
Brochures, 138-39                        Edison, Thomas, 73
Brown, Warren, 65                        Electronic purchase orders, 182, 184
Budget, 33-34, 36-37, 40-41              Elevator pitch, 134-36, 148
Business                                 E-mail promotions, 153-54
    naming, 30-31                        Entrepreneur, becoming, ix-xi,
    owning, 64
    starting, 1-17                           1-17
    types of, 64-70                      Erikson, Gary, 11
Business cards, 122-23, 220              Exercise, 231
Business stickers, 123, 126              Expense budget list, 36-37
Buyer contact log, 183
Buyers, selling to, 167-92               Faith, leap of, 6-7
                                         Family, 232
Carnegie, Dale, 167                      Farmers' markets, 196
Carrey, Jim, 230                         Fields, Debbie, xi
Catalogs, 128, 179-80
Chain stores, 172-75                     Finances, 16-17, 33-49
Chopra, Deepak, 225, 231                 Flax, larry, 53
Client respect, 188-89                   Follow-up, 174-75, 186-87
Communications                           Freight On Board (FOB), 168
                                         Friends, 232
    e-mails, 121-22
    etiquette for, 1 19                  Gates, Bill, xi, 149
    fax, 1 18                            Giveaways, 190, 192
    phones, 117-20                       Goals, 73-74, 227, 229
    websites, 120-21 , 143-48
Companies, researching, 128, 134         Government regulations, 95-96
Company, naming, 30-31                   Graham, Bette Nesmith, 20
Competition, researching, 25-29          Graphic deSigner, 99-102
Cooperative, 67                          Green, Carol, 13, 16
Copyrights, 56, 60-62                    Gruss, Shoshanna, 1 33
Corporation, 64, 66-67
Cost, calculating, 91. See also Pricing  Help, asking for, 13-16
Credit, and debt, 34-49                  Hershey, Milton, xi

                                         Home office, 107-8
                                         Home office hours, 226, 228
                                         Hwang, Shelley, 154

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