Page 238 - 597 Business Ideas You can Start from Home - doing what you LOVE! (Beginner Internet Marketing Series)
P. 238

232  You r Idea. Inc.

                         Involve Your Friends and Family

     I mentioned involving friends and family back in Step 1 , but at
this point, they can help you with the business instead of nonbusi­
ness tasks. Ask friends and family to help you assembling press kits,
packaging product, or affixing SKU stickers. Maybe you haven't been
able to socialize or maybe they haven't fully understood what you
have been working on. If so, this is a great opportunity for your big­
gest supporters to feel involved. Be sure you reward them as much as
possible-pay for pizza and drinks. If you make it fun and reward
them nicely, they may even return to "work" with you again.

                   Tips Your Mother Probably Told You

   Yes, she was right!

o Get out of your comfort zone every now and then. Drive a
   different route to your kids' school or a meeting. Try not to be
   a creature of habit all the time; get some new perspective.

o Don't get sloppy doing simple tasks. If you do things too fast,
   you may not do them correctly. You don't want to have to do
   things twice, so don't move at a crazy, frenetic pace just to check
   things off the list. Do things right and mindfully the first time.

o Keep positive. Surroundyourselfwith supportive people. When
   you run into a problem , know you will find a solution. It's not
   about what you can't do. It's about what you will do to make
   things happen.

o Say goodbye to guilt. There are just twenty-four hours in the day.
   Do the best you can. If you didn't accomplish everything you had
   hoped for, move remaining tasks to your list for the next day.

     Don't underestimate the value of silence. Get in the car and
              turn on the radio. Eat without watching TV. The silence

        n be very relaxing. The rejuvenating benefits of a few min­
     utes of silence during the day can last hours.
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