Page 234 - 597 Business Ideas You can Start from Home - doing what you LOVE! (Beginner Internet Marketing Series)
P. 234

228 Your Idea, Inc.

    The system you use isn't what's important; it's that you are focused
and prioritize. If you wander into your office every day without a
plan, you'll end up working reactively. While you certainly need to
deal with whatever fires come up that day, you also need to make
progress on planned tasks. That balance isn't easy to achieve, but if
you're actively aware of it, you're more likely to accomplish it.

                      Ac t "As I f" to M otivate Yourself

Motivational speakers often speak of acting "as if" you are already
the person you are dreaming to be. This psychological game may

sound silly, but it can �ave a profound effect on your mindset. For

example, I acted "as if" my business already had clients and it made
me feel responsible to a real entity, not just this abstract idea of my

                                  S anity-S aving Tips

You probably think you're already making the most of every moment
in your day. Well, in order to manage this new venture and your
personal life, you need to streamline even further. You can find time
for (almost) everything if you manage your schedule well and keep
a healthy mind and energetic body. Set your priorities and boundar­
ies and stick to them. Listen to your body; if you are dragging and
exhausted, take a rest. Don't feel guilty about taking the time you
need to get back into balance. The following ideas may help.

                              Find Ways to Save Time

     Look for ways to save time in your everyday life. For example,
use a hands-free headset and talk to friends while doing laundry,
cleaning the house, or cooking dinner. Use your cell phone (with a
hands-free headset) to talk while running errands or driving in the
car (if you can drive and talk without getting distracted).
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