Page 116 - 597 Business Ideas You can Start from Home - doing what you LOVE! (Beginner Internet Marketing Series)
P. 116

Secret #6: Give Yourself Away  85

“Until a man is old enough to lose the idea that the purpose
of life is self-entertainment, until he quits trying to entertain
himself and begins trying to entertain other people, he is
bound to be restless and unhappy. You must forget yourself in
order to please yourself.”

                             —Bruce Barton, On the Up and Up, 1929

“Say to yourself: ‘Here I am, a human being just a little differ-
ent from any who has ever lived before or will ever live again.
I don’t have 100 percent equipment by any means. There are
some notable lacks in my make-up, and no notable points of
strength. But this is the hand that has been dealt me in the
game, and I must play it. And I shall be judged not by what I
accomplish in contrast with other men, but by what I make of
myself in comparison with what I might have made.”

                                                      —Bruce Barton, 1921

“The greatest educational force in modern life is advertising.

“I said to this country doctor, ‘There are five of you doctors
in town; how much do you make?’ He said, ‘Two are starving
and the other three are just barely getting along.’ I said,
‘Is there any cooperation among you?’

“He said, ‘Not on your life. I hardly dare to take a vacation,
because I am afraid the other doctors will steal my customers.’
I said, ‘If you would join together, spend a little money every
week on advertising, if you would sell this community on the
necessity of having an annual or semiannual examination, if
you would sell the community on the importance of having
proper dental care in the schools and having regular health
supervision of the children in the schools, you would all make
more money and the community would be immeasurably in
your debt.’”

              —Bruce Barton, in Masters of Advertising Copy, 1925
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