Page 136 - 597 Business Ideas You can Start from Home - doing what you LOVE! (Beginner Internet Marketing Series)
P. 136

Special Report: Analysis of Bruce Barton’s 100 Percent Response Letter 105

famous or infamous Craig Perrine of ListProfitSecrets.
com. Thanks for making time to be here, Craig.

Craig: Joe, thank you very much. It’s an honor to discuss
this with you and go over such a fabulously successful

Joe: You’ve talked about this letter before, so I already
know you like it. . . . We’re going to dissect it. Read a lit-
tle bit of it as we comment on it. So, we’ll bring it all to
life for you, and what we’re looking for is, in short, what
makes this work.

   Why does this letter work? So, unless you have some-
thing to add to that, Craig, I’m ready to jump into this thing.

Craig: Well, I think we should just jump right in.

Joe: Okay, I want to make a brief acknowledgment. This
is all being recorded by Pat O’Bryan of,
who is sitting to my left, quietly recording everything,
smiling, nodding his head when we say things that are
wise and wonderful, and grimacing if we don’t. So any-
way, let’s begin here.

   This letter begins with “Dear Mr. Smith.” Now, of
course, he personalized it with everybody, and I want to
stop right there because the average letter has a big, bold
headline on it. And you hear copywriters and direct
marketers say all the time you have to have a headline
on your letter. This letter does not have a headline on it.
I thought about that and my first response, and I want
to hear what you have to say, Craig.

   My first response was we use a headline only when
we are trying to get people to pay attention to the letter.
We’re using a headline to give them a reason to read the
letter. We use a headline because we don’t know their
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