Page 137 - 597 Business Ideas You can Start from Home - doing what you LOVE! (Beginner Internet Marketing Series)
P. 137

106 The Seven Lost Secrets of Success

         first name or we don’t know what’s going to actually
         pull them into it. But if we know their first name, we can
         say “Dear Joe” or “Dear Craig” or “Dear Pat” or who-
         ever it happens to be. We don’t need the headline. The
         person’s name alone is going to be so powerful that they
         will at least begin the letter.

            Another thing that’s going on here is that this letter
         came from Bruce Barton, who, as I’ve already said, was
         pretty well known and probably everybody who got
         this letter knew him personally or knew of him. So, that
         was the second reason they would begin the letter—and
         remember, only begin the letter. And it’s also the reason
         why they might not need a headline.

            So, again it’s coming from Bruce Barton. If it’s com-
         ing from somebody that they already know, the
         headline may not be necessary, and if they are using
         their first name—in other words, making the letter very
         personal—you may not need the headline. So in this
         case, it’s a personal letter from a well-known person. No
         headline is needed.

         Craig: I think another thing that’s really great about
         this and a disarming quality of not having a headline
         is that it immediately takes it out of the realm of the
         sales letter. And if you look at what he does with it later,
         I think that’s an inherent part of his approach here; that
         if he had started out with “How to do anything,” “Do
         it now,” or “Read this,” it would have had an entirely
         different setup to the letter, but, I think, it would have
         had an undesirable effect given what he did later on.

            So, I can’t read his mind, of course, but I think it’s a
         perfect way to set up; this is a personal letter from me
         to you, and that immediately will grant me a higher
         response than if it’s just an ad.
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