Page 142 - 597 Business Ideas You can Start from Home - doing what you LOVE! (Beginner Internet Marketing Series)
P. 142

Special Report: Analysis of Bruce Barton’s 100 Percent Response Letter  111

where he’s going to be telling you what to do at the end
of the letter. But he’s also doing it indirectly because he
couldn’t say, “Hey, Mr. Smith, by the way, what really
are you worth anyway? What good have you done?”
You can’t say that directly. And yet, as you pointed out,
in the next line where he is talking about the one place
where a dollar goes further and all these sorts of things,
he has talked about the objections to ordinary charity,
where you don’t know how effective it is.

   He’s already countering objections you don’t even
know you are going to raise, because you don’t know
why he’s writing yet—even now.

Joe: Brilliant insight. I hadn’t even picked up on all of
that. So, that’s brilliant. One thing that I didn’t pick up
on that’s in this fourth paragraph is where he says, “It
was a rather thrilling idea, and I went at it in the same
spirit in which our” (notice) “advertising agency con-
ducts a market investigation for a manufacturer.” That is
rebuilding his position of authority here. It’s also a very
subtle reminder: “By the way, I started BBDO. We are a
giant advertising agency. We can do all kinds of market

   He doesn’t have to brag. He doesn’t have to spell
all of that out. He just very calmly mentions that “our
advertising agency conducts a market investigation
for a manufacturer.” So, he’s mentioning this, which
also increases his ego-dominance, if you will. Not in a
negative way. This is a positioning. It’s a mental posi-
tioning, and then he’s also pointing out that he thor-
oughly investigated this whole fund-raising aspect at
the same level, the same kind of depth that his company
would do if they were doing market campaign research.
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