Page 144 - 597 Business Ideas You can Start from Home - doing what you LOVE! (Beginner Internet Marketing Series)
P. 144

Special Report: Analysis of Bruce Barton’s 100 Percent Response Letter 113

but something’s missing. There is a problem. You don’t
have an outlet for your charitable giving. That means as
much as what he’s setting up here.

   And then when it gets down to here, what he’s done
is he’s going to start giving you the solution. But he cre-
ated the problem in your mind by setting it up first.

Joe: Beautiful, beautiful insight. I like this next line. It’s
one line, all by itself, a beautiful statement. “Let me give
you the background.” This is the beginning of a story,
and as everybody should know, stories are one of the
most powerful vehicles for getting a message across. It’s
a way to get under a person’s mental radar. It’s a way to
get your message across without people filtering it out.
It’s going in below their conscious awareness in a lot of

   But this is almost saying, “Pull up chair. Make your-
self a cup of tea. I’m going to put my arm around you.
Let’s put our feet up and let me tell you this story.” And
it just says, “Let me give you the background.”

Craig: And the funny thing is he already has been giv-
ing them the background. He’s been setting them up
with, “There’s something you’re missing, I’m going to
tell you exactly what that missing thing is. I’ve already
done all the research. You are one of a few select people
who even know about this, and now let’s get into the
other background.”

Joe: Wow, that’s a good reminder, because he did all of
that in six paragraphs. So, when people think that you
have to write really long copy to get people involved,
no, that’s not the case. You may have to write long copy
to complete your message and to get to the close, to the
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