Page 145 - 597 Business Ideas You can Start from Home - doing what you LOVE! (Beginner Internet Marketing Series)
P. 145

114 The Seven Lost Secrets of Success

         sale, to finish the persuasion; but these six paragraphs
         pave the way to lock somebody in to read this entire let-
         ter. And as I pointed out, there are people who read this
         letter today who go online looking for Berea College,
         which is still around, wanting to give money because of
         this sales letter. That’s how powerful it is.

         Craig: Another thing: In traditional copywriting a lot of
         advice says that you start out with a promise. You open
         up with a problem. You say something very direct that
         will give your reader an indication of “what’s in it for
         me.” And I want to again underscore that that’s not
         really explicit here. Everything is indirect. Two things
         about that: First of all, his audience that he was gearing
         toward were very successful men and they had a lot of
         money and so on. He’s not going to talk to them about
         how they can make more money.

            Looking at Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, he’s not
         going to talk to them about how they can meet some of
         the lower needs. He’s talking about self-actualization
         and how to have them contribute and do things like
         that. It’s a more high-minded type of need that they do
         feel because it’s what’s missing at their level. So, he’s
         writing at their level but he also knows, probably being
         a successful man himself, that they are also pitched a lot
         and asked for money.

         Joe: I’m glad you said that.

         Craig: So, he’s doing this, and we don’t know what
         he’s asking for yet. We’ve already had all these levels
         of meaning given and now the background, the story,
         is coming, but he hasn’t asked for anything yet. And
         it’s all indirect and I think that is a wonderful example
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