Page 150 - 597 Business Ideas You can Start from Home - doing what you LOVE! (Beginner Internet Marketing Series)
P. 150

Special Report: Analysis of Bruce Barton’s 100 Percent Response Letter 119

Craig: And what you’re buying into at some level
when you read this is you want to have a happy end-
ing. You want them to succeed, and at the end when
the close to the letter comes around, you’re going to
find that you are a part of helping them succeed and
you can actually help make the outcome. And I’m
fairly sure that it’s not an accident that that’s how it
works out.

Joe: You end up being a hero, too. Well, I love how this
moves along at a pretty quick pace. Even though this is
a long letter, you notice that it becomes very captivat-
ing as you keep reading it and becomes more involved,
again with the story, again with the subtleness of it
and the psychological workings behind it. Then we get
to the line where it says, “Now we come to the hook.”
He hasn’t quite told us what he wants yet, but we’re
starting to get closer and you can almost guess what he
wants when we start to read this

   “It costs this college, which is named Berea,” (well,
finally we even know what the college’s name is—it’s
Berea) “$100 a year per student to carry on. She could,
of course, . . .” Now, I want to stop there. He called this
college “she.” I can’t help but think that was relevant.
He didn’t say “the college,” “it,” or “he.” He called it
“she,” and I think that was tapping into the feminine, a
mothering instinct.

   He was, of course, giving the college life. You know,
it wasn’t just one thing or another. This was a she. This
was a woman. It was a living being. I found that rele-
vant. Did it mean anything to you?

Craig: Well, it had struck me as his playing to the dam-
sel in distress, hero rides to the rescue type of theme.
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