Page 152 - 597 Business Ideas You can Start from Home - doing what you LOVE! (Beginner Internet Marketing Series)
P. 152

Special Report: Analysis of Bruce Barton’s 100 Percent Response Letter 121

course he’s taking away every objection that you could
have before you even have it in this case.

   Now, people like Dan Kennedy say one of the best
ways to write a sales letter is to list all the reasons why
somebody will not buy from you. Think of every pos-
sible reason why they will object and not buy whatever
it is you are asking for, and answer every one of those
in your sales letter. Of course, a clumsy way of doing
that is to just list the question or the objection and your
answer to it.

   But in a masterful way, you do it like Bruce Barton
here; you weave this story and you talk about what’s
going on without even getting to the hook until we are
at the point where he’s already taken away just about
every objection that we might have. And again, we’re
not quite sure what he’s going to ask of us yet, but he’s
already in our head, playing with our mind in a very
hypnotic way.

Craig: The funny thing is the hook was really in the sec-
ond paragraph, and again with the “Let me give you the
background.” He’s telling you, essentially, he’s position-
ing the flag here. “Now I’m going to tell you the hook,”
when, in point of fact, every paragraph has had a hook
in it that has kept you in the process and got you emo-
tionally involved. And if you’re going to ask anybody
for money or for a sale or for anything, it always is going
to amount to the fact that they need to trust that you are
going to deliver or that they are going to get whatever
it is you are promising. And if you deal with the objec-
tions in this indirect way, before they even have them,
their minds are almost defenseless in the sense that they
don’t have anything to object to. They are already sort
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