Page 78 - 597 Business Ideas You can Start from Home - doing what you LOVE! (Beginner Internet Marketing Series)
P. 78

Secret #3: Speak in Parables  47

decades after they were written. The letters were so mes-
merizing that they still cause those bad books to sell.

   How did they do it?
   They wrote their ads as stories. They talked about
how they were changed by reading the book they
wanted to sell. Without going into any ethical questions
here, pause and consider how powerful their stories
must have been.
   If I told you, “These shoes will make your feet feel
better,” you’d shrug your shoulders and move on.
   But if I told you about how my feet once ached so
painfully that I cried in bed at night, and how I one day
discovered a pair of amazing shoes that made my feet
feel like they were on air cushions, you’d perk up and
   Why? Because I told you a story.

                         STORY SELLING

A parable is a story. Barton wrote stories laced with sub-
tle meaning. Caples and Sackheim wrote stories that
made their sales letters irresistible. Every great speaker
(and Barton was an electrifying speaker) knows that a
good story can deliver the point better than anything
else imaginable.

   What are the success stories in your business?
   Who bought your product or service and was trans-
formed? Where have you worked and made a dif-
ference? Those are your parables, the stories that sell
people on what you offer.
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