Page 76 - 597 Business Ideas You can Start from Home - doing what you LOVE! (Beginner Internet Marketing Series)
P. 76


   Bruce Barton was one of the few people in
              history able to write ads, essays, articles, and
full-length books—all with equal impact.
   Part of his secret was due to his ability to write simple,
snappy copy that was also rich in depth and meaning.
He did this by creating stories that reached the common
worker as well as the intellectual. It’s also a technique
that Barton’s two models, Jesus Christ and Abraham
Lincoln, used to create unforgettable and highly persua-
sive “ads.”
   In 1951, Barton wrote in a private memo,

   “[ Jesus] told His listeners stories [such as] the story, ‘A
   certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho and fell
   among thieves.’ Every one of his listeners knew some man
   who had fallen among thieves on that dangerous Jerusalem
   turnpike. They listened to the story and remembered it.
   If He had said, ‘I want to talk to you about why you should
   be a good neighbor,’ nobody would have listened.”

                      HYPNOTIC STORIES

Stories move people. As author Jean Houston once told
me, “We are storied people. We group the experiences

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