Page 77 - 597 Business Ideas You can Start from Home - doing what you LOVE! (Beginner Internet Marketing Series)
P. 77

46 The Seven Lost Secrets of Success

         of our lives into stories. We gossip in story format. We
         don’t see life as a river; we see it as a story with a defi-
         nite beginning, middle, and end. Stories make life easier
         to understand.”

            Practitioners of neurolinguistic programming (NLP)
         have discovered that stories are a powerful way to per-
         suade people. Milton Erickson, the legendary hypnotist,
         was known for his therapeutic stories. Stories are a way
         for a message to be delivered indirectly.

            As I explained in my book, Hypnotic Writing, a story
         with your sales message seeps in under the listener’s or
         reader’s awareness. If you tell someone to do something
         in a direct, forceful manner, they’ll probably resist. But if
         you give the same order as a suggestion within the frame
         of story, they’ll probably do exactly what you want.

            Let me explain.

                       HOW TO SELL BAD PRODUCTS

         John Caples was a brilliant copywriter who worked
         with Bruce Barton. Maxwell Sackheim was another
         famous copywriter who probably knew Barton. Both of
         these legends had experiences that illustrate the power
         of “story selling.”

            Both of these advertising giants were assigned the
         task of writing ad copy for books that were actually bad.
         How do you sell a product that isn’t any good? How
         would you do it?

            Both Caples and Sackheim, working independently of
         each other, wrote letters that are still talked about today,
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