Page 72 - 597 Business Ideas You can Start from Home - doing what you LOVE! (Beginner Internet Marketing Series)
P. 72

Secret #2: Use a God to Lead Them  41


Here are three quick examples of goddesses for you to
think about.

   While working on the American Tobacco Company
account, Barton suggested getting Emily Post (a clear
goddess) to do an advertisement on the etiquette of
smoking. (“Don’t smoke in elevators. Don’t light a ciga-
rette until after the salad.”)

   Did you know that “Betty Crocker” is a fictional char-
acter? Barton co-created her in order to attract customers
to buy General Mills products. Clearly Betty Crocker is a
goddess well loved by the masses.

   Finally, the American Tobacco Company got Amelia
Earhart to promote Lucky Strike cigarettes in 1928 (even
though Earhart did not smoke). While this last example
violates another Barton secret (sincerity), you can eas-
ily see that spokespeople are often perceived as gods or
goddesses by the masses.

   “Every man in a big position knows in his own heart that forces
   entirely outside himself have played a large part in his making.”

                                                          —Bruce Barton, 1928

   “Many of us are afraid this expenditure of compassion will drain
   away our energy, deplete us for our own tasks. But the dynam-
   ics of compassion defy the ordinary laws of energy. We discover
   that, like Antaeus in the ancient myth, our strength is doubled by
   compassionate contact with the blessed earth of humanity. . . .

   “Compassion belongs to the other great band of noble
   virtues—tolerance, sympathy, understanding—all marching
   under the banner of love.”

                                                          —Bruce Barton, 1942
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