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Contents • ix

Ten Greatest Ideas for Building the Retail Business                     109
   of Your Dreams
Idea 64 - Get your attitude right                                        111
Idea 65 - Exploit people already in the know                             113
Idea 66 - Get the timing                      right                      114
Idea 67 - To buy or not to buy                                           117
Idea 68 - Fix your costs and know your costs                             120

Idea 69 - Treat your customers as what they are - your purpose in life

Idea 70 - Count your customers

Idea 71 - Diversify carefully

Idea 72- Tick again

Idea 73 - First run a pilot

Ten Greatest Quick Tips for Building the Dream                          121

Idea 74 - Don't let today's mail set today's agenda     risk             121
Idea 75 - Know your critical success factors                             122
Idea 76 - Don't expand too quickly                                       123
Idea 77 - Concentrate on what you are good at...                         123
Idea 78 - ... But don't ignore opportunities to reduce                   123
Idea 79 - Sell to your existing customers                                124
Idea 80 - Don't buy a mobile phone                                       124
Idea 81 - Don't become obsessed with saving tax                          125
Idea 82 - Don't dream your wayinto stupid projects                       126
Idea 83 - Learn from the mistakes of others                              126
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