Page 127 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 127

151 Quick Ideas to Get New Customers

their temples, statues, and

religious beliefs. Very       Assignment

quickly, the executive found      What do you hold sa-
himself being very careful    cred? Decide on a few things
about where he stepped,       that are sacred to your com-
where he walked, and how      pany and protect them. Tell
he handled himself. He had    your prospects what they
unconsciously adopted their   mean to you and what they
respectful attitude, and      should mean to them.
found himself behaving simi-

larly towards their culture.

He realized that he could apply this to his own business. When

he went back to his office, he worked with his staff to create a

set of traditions and values that his prospects, customers, and

associates could see and appreciate.


    Caring creates caring, and by identifying traditions within
your company, people will quickly come to respect the values
you hold and the principles for which you stand.


           The Puppy Dog Lick

    Many people become dog owners as a direct result of the
law of unintended consequences. At some point they picked up
a warm, cuddly puppy who gave them a big, loving lick across
the face, and they were sold. Without ever intending to own a
pet, they suddenly found themselves a dog-owner. That puppy
went home to become a part of the family.

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