Page 126 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 126
Quick Ideas 97 to 99
desk, he came out bubbling Assignment
with excitement about what
she had accomplished. He Make yourself a poster
told her that the next day he or card to remind yourself
was buying her lunch. What Gets Rewarded Gets
Christy learned that when Repeated Build on positive
she does well, he acknowl- behavior, and as much as pos-
edges and rewards her, sible, overlook the errors, sins,
which makes Christy want and omissions of your people
to do even more. It’s a win- and watch what happens.
win situation for both of
Catching people being good means overriding our
natural instinct to criticize, condemn, and complain.
Traditions Should Be Sacred
It is important in your prospecting efforts to communicate
the traditions of your company that prospects will respect and
admire. These traditions should be held sacred by you and your
associates, because they embody the ideals and philosophies
that your company holds. After all, everyone likes a touch of
class. It can help build spirit and encourage prospects to see
you and your company as one of value and substance.
On a fact-finding mission to SouthAmerica, one business CEO
was overwhelmed with how much the local culture respected