Page 128 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 128
Quick Ideas 99 to 100
When a suburban ho-
meowner with several acres Assignment
of beautiful woods went out Get your prospects to try
to buy a chainsaw, he was out your product or service.
really disappointed with Offer free on-sites tests of
what he found in most your products, free 15-day
stores. The display saws trials of your services, or
looked cheap, were tied anything else you can think
down, and did not appear of to get them to try your
capable of doing a tough job. company. If they try it, they’ll
Finally, he hit a home run most likely buy it.
when he stopped in a store
that had a huge display of
chainsaws and people who could explain about each and every
one. But the puppy dog lick came when the sales rep invited
him to go out back with the chainsaw and try it out. After cut-
ting several limbs from a tree trunk they used as a testing site,
he was sold. They made a sale, and everyone else lost out on a
prospect that day.
All the advertising in the world can’t compare to one
good personal experience.