Page 131 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 131

151 Quick Ideas to Get New Customers


Everything Matters

What’s important to that new customer you’ve been trying

to win over from your competitor? Everything! Getting new

customers is about doing a few big things, and hundreds of

small things, better than your competition. We call it managing

your T-C-E, or the Total Customer Experience.

Picture yourself in a

gymnastics competition              Assignment
where at the end of a per-

formance, the judges hold up        Pay attention to the de-

their scorecards. You will tails, not just the major ele-

see things like 9.1, 9.4, and ments of your business.

9.7. But it’s the cumulative

score that will determine the

final rank for that gymnast. It’s the same way with your com-

pany. You have to be concerned with a few big things, and

hundreds of little things. It’s the attention to detail that will ulti-

mately win over your customers. Customers know they have

options and choices, and if you don’t manage your T-C-E, they

might go somewhere else.


    Getting new customers is a matter of doing a better job
of managing your Total Customer Experience.

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