Page 135 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 135

151 Quick Ideas to Get New Customers

    Your job is to inform prospects of their options, and their
job is to decide what best fits them and their budgets, needs,
and wants.

Forget Satisfied

In years past, the goal of businesses was to satisfy their

customers. Everyone thought that satisfy was the key word,

and that it was a sure-fire formula to foster relationships, en-

courage customer loyalty, and build repeat business. Now we

know that it’s not enough. Businesses must raise the bar, and

strive to go from good to great, and “delight” their customers.

The University of Michi-

gan monitors customer sat-      Assignment
isfaction, and rates business

successes as it relates to          Delighted customers
customer satisfaction. Some     come from service as much
researchers credit more de-     as product. Make a sign for
manding and better-informed     your office/service area.
customers as the driving        On the sign put the word
force behind the move from      Satisfied then cross it out
satisfied to delighted. What    and write over it Delighted.
does this mean for you?         Use this poster to remind
You’ve got to rethink, re-      everyone that the new stan-
work, and realign your goals,   dard is delighted.
systems, procedures, and

training. You have to find the

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