Page 140 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 140

Quick Ideas 110 to 112

    Customers will not ask for a price because they expect it
to be there. If it’s not, you are violating their expectations
and they’ll probably take a hike.


Stack Up the Benefits

When you talk about the features of your product or ser-

vice, be sure to explain the benefits. Here are three good phrases

you can use: (1) “What that means to you is...”; (2) “That is

important to know because...”; or (3) “You will love this, be-

cause it will help you....”

For example, when you buy a drill, what are you really

purchasing? The drill? The bit? Nope. You want to be able to

                                  take that drill and make a

Assignment                        hole. Being able to make a
                                  hole is the benefit of the

    When you learn to be          tool, and is really what you
great at communicating both       are purchasing from the
features and benefits, your       hardware store. It is so easy
prospects will see that you       to get caught up in talking
are really selling value, and     about the features of your
they want to become your          products that you overlook
customer.                         the real benefits. And at the
                                  end of the day, customers

                                  want to buy benefits.

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