Page 145 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 145

151 Quick Ideas to Get New Customers

and other incentives to get

customers to do business       Assignment

with you.                          Get in touch with a pre-
                               mium supplier who can fix
    When one of my friends     you up with different logo
bought a painfully overpriced  items, and try them as gifts
luxury SUV, he nearly got      and incentives.
into a fight with the sales
manager when they refused

to give him the free cap and

jacket that his golfing buddies had gotten when they bought the

same car. Don’t lose sight of the fact that some of the most

unique incentives have spurred people to switch suppliers and

become customers when coupons and discounts probably had

little meaning to them. Begin today to experiment with what

motivates your customers to go the extra mile.


    People make emotional decisions about what they buy
and where they buy, but they like to justify their purchases
with logical explanations.


       Tell Them What You Can Do

    No driver likes to end up on a dead-end street, and no
businessperson enjoys being left in a bad situation by a supplier.
Develop a reputation for caring, trying, and helping. Anytime
you have to tell a customer what you can’t do, also tell them
what you can do. Always have the information available to
offer your customers an alternative if you are not able to meet

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