Page 141 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 141

151 Quick Ideas to Get New Customers

    At the end of the day, people don’t buy what products
are, they buy what that product will do.


What You Can Do

It is so easy to see the negatives in life, and completely

miss the positives. It’s easy to see the ruts in the road instead

of the beautiful highway. As you hunt for new customers, it’s

guaranteed that you will find a competitor who is bigger, better,

and more established, who will present a real challenge for

you. The secret is to focus on what you can do, without over-

looking what you can’t do.

    Herb worked in a small         Assignment
company where they had             Keep yourself and your
three sales representatives.

He was the author of doom sales team focused on the

and gloom. If the company positive. Maintain that by

asked him to work a special   showing your associates
price promotion, you can bet  your own positive attitude.
he would say the price was    Always have three positive
too high. If they took on a   things to say to the team.

new product line, he would

whine and complain that it

was the wrong brand. Herb dragged the other people in the

company down so much that management decided to invite

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