Page 139 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 139
151 Quick Ideas to Get New Customers
Teach your people that every prospect has the potential
to be a big spender, and should be treated accordingly.
How Much Does It Cost?
One retailer had a 300-piece tool rack, and noticed that
customers would spin the rack, pick items up, look them over,
but then put them back and walk out the door. He believed the
problem was that there weren’t prices on the items, and people
were too timid, too busy, or just not interested enough to ask.
So he tried an experiment. He put a price tag on all 300 items.
Instantly, sales increased 40 percent. Could simply having a
price on the merchandise in-
crease sales that much?
There was only one way to Assignment
find out. He went back and
carefully removed all 300 Many people are too
price stickers and tracked timid or feel they will be obli-
sales for the next 60 days. gated if they ask the price.
Amazingly, sales went right Do a daily sweep of your fa-
back to the previous level. cility to make sure everything
He proved that everything has a price so customers
has to be priced, or custom- won’t see it as value-less.
ers will see it as value-less
and simply walk away.