Page 142 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 142

Quick Ideas 112 to 114

him to work somewhere else. Are you focused on the positives
or the negatives in your attempts to get new customers?

        Remember that the glass is always half full.


How Much Is Your Price?

If you pick up the Sunday newspaper, you will see lots of

flyers and inserts promoting low prices. Or if you walk through

the mall, look at all the signs for sales, promotions, and great

deals. Most merchants make price their key selling issue. You

need to be aware that when you cave in to price, you may be

giving money away. While price is important, it is never at the

top of the list for most buyers. Standing your ground to sell

                                 value may have a bigger pay-

                                 off than lowering your price.

Assignment                       There are only two types

    Have all your employees      of buyers in the world. First
write out why you are justi-     is the price-based buyer, who
fied in your pricing, features,  is trying to get the best deal
benefits, and guarantees on      they for every purchase. The
all your major products or       second type of buyer is the
services.                        value-based buyer. They
                                 want to know what they’re

                                 going to get for their money.

If both of these buyers are smart, they will ask you about price.

The price buyer is testing you to see if you will come down, and

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