Page 138 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 138
Quick Ideas 108 to 110
Perhaps the greatest payoff of the hulk and bulk prin-
ciple is that it establishes a visual memory connecting your
company with a specific item. So when the customer needs
it tomorrow, they will remember you today.
It’s All About Value
If you want to get your coworkers to see the value of a
prospect, talk to them in terms of a customer’s annual spend-
ing and how much they could be worth over a lifetime. It
gives your employees and staff an entirely new perspective
on that prospective customer. For example, one executive
found that his average member contributed $550 in gross profit
to his association each year, and that the average member
stayed a total of 6 1/2 years
Assignment on their membership roster.
That adds up to $3,575 per
Teach your associates customer! The association
the value of long-term cus- quickly learned they could
tomers. You can delight your really invest in landing that
long-term customers by do- prospect. In fact, they could
ing extra little things to show afford to spend an entire
your appreciation. Enhance year’s profit on recruitment
the value of your business by because they would make it
adding extra benefits. up in the long-term.