Page 147 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 147
151 Quick Ideas to Get New Customers
Are You Listening?
Walter, a veteran sales rep, had a legendary reputation for
talking, and a costly reputation for not listening. On one sales
call alone, a manufacturer’s rep working with him picked up on
three huge buying signals from the prospect, while Walter never
even slowed down. He kept talking, even though the customer
had heard everything he needed to hear. Because Walter didn’t
take the time to listen to his customer, they left without having
made the sale.
Great companies de- Assignment
velop great people who
know how to really listen. Talk only 1/3 of the time
The problem is, most pros- you are with a prospect. If
pecting conversations aren’t they don’t talk, ask ques-
about talking and listening; tions. Train yourself and your
they are about two people team to listen. After all, it’s
just waiting for the other to the customer’s needs, not
stop talking. Most prospects yours, that need to be satis-
will drop buying signals fied. Give them a chance to
when they’re ready to close express their needs.
the deal. It’s your job to
make sure you can hear
Listening requires practice, dedication, and discipline.