Page 149 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 149
151 Quick Ideas to Get New Customers
is going on. They are perceived as the best resource to offer
customers the information and products they need.
Our world is changing by the second, and if you don’t
change with it, you’ll be listed in the book, “Who’s Through,”
in your business category.
The Problem With Communication
In prospecting for new customers, effective communica-
tion can be incredible challenging. So much of what we do is
verbal, and sometimes we forget that other kinds of commu-
nication can be just as effective. Don’t forget that visual com-
munication can play a big part in prospecting for new
Herb was a white-haired Assignment
manager, and he called that
white hair his frost of wis- Create a backup system
dom. One of his favorite re- using e-mail, voice mail, or
minders was how dangerous written orders to make sure
verbal orders could be. In that there are no verbal or-
fact, he said communication ders that are misunderstood.
problems normally come Especially when they are or-
from one of three areas: (1) ders from customers or re-
There was no communica- quests for information from
tion in the first place; (2) We prospects!
misspoke or misunderstood
the original communication;