Page 151 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 151

151 Quick Ideas to Get New Customers

simply gave up. He was             Assignment
giving in and giving up in-
stead of finding ways to         Don’t quit when you
overcome the no and          hear the word “no.” Take a
change it to a yes. Winston  step back and think about
Churchill said, “It is not   what you tried, and then try
enough that we do our        something different. You’ve
best. Sometimes we have      got to keep going until you
to do what’s required.”      can change a “no” into a


    You’re not defeated until you give up. The moment you
say, “I quit,” you have defeated yourself.


            Selective Hearing

    You need to beware of promises, claims, or even casual
comments. Customers have selective hearing and selective
memory, and you can bet they will remember in a way that
suits them best! If you tell them you can get it in a week, they’ll
be calling you in three days wanting to know where it is. If you
tell them you think you can get it for free, they’ll want to know
how much you’re going to pay them to take it. And if you say
you can do something and then you have to renege, your chances
of getting that customer to come back to you are very slim.

    When Betty, a financial services representative, called on
a potential broker, she told them she was pretty certain that she

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