Page 152 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 152

Quick Ideas 121 to 123

     Assignment                  could get a promotional
                                 package for them at little or
    When you make state-         no cost. Those words came
ments or promises that might     back to haunt her. On the
be interpreted by a prospect     very next prospecting call,
or customer as certain, re-      the client wanted to know
mind them “if it ain’t in writ-  where that complete promo-
ing, it ain’t so.” Then, when    tional package was that she
you know you can make            promised to get them for
such a promise, put it in writ-  free. What she quickly
ing for them.                    learned was that a casual
                                 comment can be turned to
                                 her disadvantage.


    Some people will lie, and some people truly have selec-
tive hearing. Regardless, they will try to use your words
against you.


           If Only We Had Time

    My grandfather used to say that both meetings and ser-
mons should end on the same day they began. He was a nut
about wasting time. He recognized that there are only 24 hours
in a day, so it’s important to spend those hours wisely. It’s vital
to recognize the value of a customer’s time, especially when
they are investing that time in listening to you. The pressure on
business people today to get more done in less time is the big-
gest complaint by business owners and associates today.

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