Page 156 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 156

Quick Ideas 125 to 126

Selling to the Senses

    People still need to see and touch before they buy. While
the Internet has proven to be a great tool for people to educate
themselves, it has not measured up in terms of generating busi-
ness and replacing bricks-and-mortar retailers. Take a lesson
from the Big Box stores, and let your customer see and touch
your merchandise.

     Assignment                    F.W. Woolworth made a
                               fortune when he invented
    What do you need to put    the five-and-dime store. He
out so your people can see     moved the merchandise
and touch to build a follow-   down from the high shelves
ing of loyal customers? Never  and out from under the
underestimate the value of     counter to where people
the five senses, and try to    could experience it for them-
arrange your merchandise in    selves. He taught the prin-
a manner that appeals to more  ciple that you need to put it
than just sight.               out where people can see it,
                               feel it, and handle it, if you’re
                               going to successfully sell it.


    Don’t be afraid to let customers use and abuse your dis-
plays and samples, because they are great tools for turning
shoppers into buyers, and prospects into customers.

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