Page 159 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 159

151 Quick Ideas to Get New Customers

Use Your Design

    A really great prospector maintains a constantly updated
list of great ideas to improve their prospecting efforts. One key
question you should always ask yourself is, “How can I multi-
ply my prospecting efforts without investing in more man-
power?” One answer is to work on the visibility of your vehicles,
and maintain top-of-mind-awareness with your prospects.

Even small and mid-

sized businesses with little or       Assignment
no budget can benefit from
carving out a unique image           Investigate graphic de-
for their vehicles, whether      sign options and consider an
they have one or 100. Think      entirly new way to identify
about how quickly you rec-       your vehicles. Your goal is to
ognize a black and white po-     catch people’s attention and
lice car, an emergency           tell who you are, what you
vehicle, or a simple but ef-     do, and how to contact you.

fective yellow cab. If you

have a bigger budget, consider how UPS has turned thousands

and thousands of ugly brown trucks into a status symbol and an

internationally known logo. All these icons have been devel-

oped as a result of intent, purpose, and design. Look at your

company and see what unique factors you can capitalize on to

enhance your visibility.


    Steal, don’t invent, your success. By seeing what success-
ful people do and doing something similar to what they do,
you too will be successful.

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