Page 162 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 162
Quick Ideas 131 to 132
Don’t Be a Bungling Bob
Dale Carnegie taught that selling is about relationships, and
15 percent is about what you know, and 85 percent is about
who you know. While that principle is simple, it is also problem-
atic. If you don’t know the 15 percent about your products and
services, it will ruin your
credibility with prospects.
Assignment Each month, Bob’s
Make it a rule each warehouse produced a Top
month to read your primary 10 list of their specials for the
sales materials, bulletins, and month, and each month,
promotions so you know in Bob’s customers would ask
advance how to answer a him about those specials, and
prospect’s questions. Also, Bob would have to go out to
be sure to provide the mate- the car and search through
rials to your prospects di- piles of paper to find the spe-
rectly. Don’t be a Bungling cial flyers for the month. He
Bob and indirectly sabotage would bring them in, rumpled
your customer service. and covered with coffee
stains, and sit down and read
them to his prospects. Fi-
nally, one of his prospects said, “Bob, I’ve given you a nick-
name, Bungling Bob, because you don’t seem to care enough
to even learn about your own products and services. You also
insult me, because I can read those materials by myself.” Bob
got a huge dose of the truth that day, and has since tried to treat
his customers with dignity and respect. He makes sure that his
materials are neat and organized, and he’s arranged to have his
special flyers mailed directly to his customers.