Page 167 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 167

151 Quick Ideas to Get New Customers

    When we put pride aside and ask for help, magical things
can happen.

Criticize, Condemn, and Complain

    Your attitude will be the number one ingredient in your ability
to get new customers. Have you heard this quote, “Any fool can
criticize, condemn, and complain, and most of them do?” Your
success in business means you will not be allowed to pick the
personality of the people with whom you work. It’s not who you
encounter that will determine your success, but how you re-
spond to the people you encounter that will make the difference.

    There are three things          Assignment
experienced professionals
will tell you to do when you       Each day pick three posi-
encounter someone who          tive things you can talk about.
criticizes, condemns, or com-  If it’s raining, point out how
plains: (1) Beware and         that can help grow corn. If
monitor your own words so      it’s cold, point out how that
that you don’t get caught up   will create jobs, because
in their negativity. You cre-  people might need to buy
ate a downward spiral that     coats. If the wind’s blowing,
can destroy both of you; (2)   talk about how that will gen-
Don’t chime in and comment     erate power at the new wind-
on their negatives, because    mills around the country.
you will only perpetuate
them. Oftentimes, they’re

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