Page 168 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 168
Quick Ideas 136 to 138
testing you; and (3) When appropriate, change the subject to
something positive. Get them in an upbeat mood, and everyone
will be happier.
A real professional never chimes in when people criticize,
condemn, or complain.
Harness the Internet
There’s no better resource to keep you up-to-date on re-
search, facts, figures, what competitors are doing, and what’s
on the horizon for your business, than learning to harness the
Internet. By using the Internet to research, you can prepare to
win customers to your way of business. You can find anything
from how to raise fishing worms to a protocol for flying the
United States flag. Instantly available are statistics on the popu-
lation in your area, and a
Assignment record of births and deaths.
If you’re not using the
Teach everyone to use Internet, you’re not resolv-
the Internet, and make do- ing the ignorance problem.
ing research a must when You can outsmart and out-
trying to turn prospects into pace your competition by
customers. using the Internet as your re-
search vehicle.