Page 173 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 173
151 Quick Ideas to Get New Customers
When Bob, a seasoned
insurance company repre- Assignment
sentative, made calls on his Work at learning what
prospects, he made them feel makes prospects feel valued,
so valuable they felt guilty respected, and accepted, and
because they didn’t buy deliver that to them and
from him. If he saw only one watch your new-customer
prospect or 10 in a given day, count soar.
he had the ability to make
them feel like they were the
only company Bob visited. What can you do to let prospects
know they are the most important person in the world, and that
you’re coming to see them because you value them?
Making a prospect feel special, like a rose among the
thorns, can have a huge payoff. They will welcome you back
Don’t Love Them and Leave Them
His name was John Cash Penney, but you probably know him
better by the retail stores he founded, JCPenney. As a retailing
pioneer, John Cash Penney believed the best service you could
give was the service after the sale. He knew that following up
with customers and backing up what you say and do is crucial,
because it leads to long-term customer relationships.
John Deere, maker of everything from lawn tractors to com-
bines, launched a new program to sell its expensive high-quality