Page 174 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 174

Quick Ideas 142 to 143

                               lawn tractors. With each

Assignment                     purchase, the buyer was

                               promised that after using the

Look at the products lawn tractor a few times, a

and/or services you provide service technician from John

your customers. Which of       Deere would be out to run a
them would be good as a        six-point inspection; that they
follow-up relationship build-  would make absolutely cer-
ing call? Which are most       tain it was in perfect work-
likely to cause problems?      ing order, that everything
Based on the answers to        was adjusted properly, and
these questions, develop a     they could almost be assured
service after the sale pro-    that it will give many years

gram to help you retain those of long-term mowing with

valuable new customers.        little maintenance. This gave

                               John Deere the opportunity

                               to catch a problem before it

became a disaster. It was a chance to remind customers that

they’ve invested in a high-quality lawn tractor, and it’s a great

chance to save a lot of money, because they’ll probably pre-

vent some service incidents that would require emergency calls

later. What can you do to offer your customers service after

the sale so they will look to you for future purchases?


    Providing service after the sale works great, because al-
most nobody does it.

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