Page 169 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 169

151 Quick Ideas to Get New Customers

    When you fail to do your homework and necessary
research, you’re simply giving your competition an ad-
vantage over you. Why would you want to do that?


Tell the Truth

    Most businesspeople know the difference between right
and wrong, and they know the difference between honesty and
deception. But there are still people who operate in shades of
gray and convince themselves that it is okay to deceive, ma-
nipulate, and play with the truth to get new customers. An atti-
tude of telling the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the
truth will work for you in the long term.

How would you feel if

you bought gold from a com-            Assignment
pany based on an ad that
read, “Analysts predict the           Use this as an advertis-
price of gold could double in     ing test: Is this true, and will
the future.” While that pre-      people believe it?

diction is not illegal (although

it probably should be) it sure smacks of an attempt to convince

buyers that gold is a sure thing, and that buying from them will

give them a great return and riches untold. But it’s deceptive.

Yes, gold could double in the future, but who knows when, and

who will guarantee it?

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