Page 164 - 100 Great Business Ideas: From Leading Companies Around the World (100 Great Ideas)
P. 164

Quick Ideas 132 to 134

“Address Correction Requested” below their return address in
the upper left-hand corner. That signals the post office to alert
you when there’s a change, and to furnish you with that infor-
mation. If you’re going to keep your database accurate, it is
essential to have a multi-strategic approach to gaining and main-
taining good information.

         If you invest in taking care of your future customer data-
    base, your future customer database will take care of you.

The Insanity Principle

Albert Einstein formulated something that he called the in-

sanity principle. The principle says you cannot continue to do

                               the same thing many times

Assignment                     over and expect to get a dif-
                               ferent outcome.

    Borrow from this pro-          In one year, a sales pro-
fessional and record the an-   fessional made over 600 cold
swers to those two questions   calls on 600 different busi-
each time you make a cold      nesses. On each call he
call. Create a diary of these  slowly but surely conquered
responses. Then study the      his fear of the unknown. On
responses and try different    every cold call he had two
approaches based on your       questions he asked himself:
own observations.              (1) What should have I done
                               differently on that sales call?

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